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Chocolate coconut mousse

• 1 cup of Thick meat from a fresh
• 2 tbsp cocoa powder (unsweetened)
• 4 tbsp date paste (for which you
need black dates)
• dash of vanilla extract.
• Seasonal fruit or dry fruits to top


1. Blend all ingredients together till really smooth. Transfer into small
bowls. Refrigerate till the mousse is chilled.
2.Sprinkle mangoes, pomegranate, berries, mint leaves, orange zest on top
and serve.
3. Method To make date paste – Deseed black dates and soak them in water
for 2 hours.
4. Remove the extra water and blend them till you have a smooth paste.
5. No need to strain. Keep this refrigerated in a glass jar, and use it to
sweeten smoothies etc.

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