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Bitter Gourd Salad (Karathya chi Kismoor)

1. Bitter Gourd – 2 large ( This will give us one cup of roasted bitter gourd)
2. Grated Coconut – 1/4 cup
3. Onions – 2 small ( finely chopped)
4. Chilly powder – 1.5 tsp
5. Turmeric powder – 1/2 tsp
6. Amchur or Tamarind Paste – 1/2 tsp (explain making of tamarind pulp)
7. Salt to taste

1. Wash bitter gourd and soak it in water for 20 minutes so that it becomes pesticide free
2. Do not scrap the bitter gourd as we want to retain the fiber
3. Cut the bitter gourd vertically scoop out the flesh and seeds.
4. Chop bitter gourd into small pieces
5. Apply salt to the chopped bitter gourd and let it sit for 2 minutes. We are resting this for only two minutes as we do not want to remove all the bitterness and the nutrients from the of bitter gourd.
6. We are following this method only to make it more palatable. This is a effective way of learning or trying eat any vegetable which you dislike.
7. Squeeze out the water from bitter gourd. We throwing away this water.
8. Sauté the squeezed bitter gourd on skillet without oil for 15-20 min till it becomes crispy and brownish in colour ( if bitter gourd starts sticking to the skillet sprinkle little water). We can also bake this in oven for
20 minutes at 180 c

1. To bowl add chopped onions, grated coconut, chilly powder (I have used badge chilly which is just like kashmiri chilli) spice level can be adjusted as per ones taste, turmeric powder and amchur powder/tamrind pulp/lemon juice
2. Add salt if required
3. Add sauted bitter gourd to this mixture just before serving so that it does not become soft and remains crispy.
4. Mix well and serve.

1.we can give a twist to dish by adding this salad on crackers, khakra or by adding it on some veggies and making a chapati roll.
2. Always line the baking tray with parchment paper so that it does not stick to the tray and comes out easily as we are not using any oil.
3 Use seasoned thick bottom iron skillet as it does not require any oil.
4. If the bitter gourd start sticking sprinkle little water.
5. We will discard the water.

Contributor: Deepali Gaonkar ( Deepali’s Healthy Kitchen)


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