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Servings : 4-5


* Drumsticks – 4
* Potato – 1/2 small size
* Onion – 1 small
* Garlic cloves – 3-4
* Red chilly flakes- 1/2 tsp / as per taste of spice
* Oregano – 1/2 tsp
* Salt to taste
* Black pepper powder – 1/4 tsp
* Lemon juice 1/4-1/2 lemon


Cut drumsticks into finger size length and pressure cook it adding water
Let it cool down in separate bowl
In the cooker again roast big cut onion, garlic cloves, chilly flakes, oregano, big cut potato, add water and pressure cook for 1 whistle

Rub drumsticks in palm, remove flesh of drumsticks, discard drumsticks skin remains and Sieve in big holes strainer to remove if still there is any drumsticks skin remains in the pulp
Blend drumstick pulp, and potato, onion and other pressure cooked items
After one boil, add salt, black pepper powder and lemon juice and serve it

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